Plectostoma inornatum (Vermeulen, 1994)
By Vermeulen (1994)
"Spire conical with flat to very slightly convex sides. Apex oblique or not. Whorls 6 1/8- 6 7/8. convex; last whorl rounded. Constriction with or without a parietalis, if present inconspicuous, with an often inconspicuous longitudinal palatalis, a transverse palatalis, rarely with a very inconspicuous columellaris. Tuba gradually narrowed towards the constriction, rounded below. Radial ribs closely placed to moderately spaced (5-10 ribs/0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl, 5-8 ribs/0.5 mm half-way on the tuba), slightly sinuous or not, those close to the tuba not sinuous. Spiral striation present. umbilicus open, 0.20-0.25 mm across. Aperture hardly tilted with regard to the coiling axis, circular. Peristome distant from the spire, double; outer peristome hardly to moderately spreading beyond the inner, but gradually narrowed towards, and narrow to almost absent along the right side of the aperture, slightly widened or with an inconspicuous wong along the upper side, sometimes very slightly widened along the lower side; inner peristome slightly protruding from the outer, spreading. Spire: height 2.2-2.5 mm; width 1.3 mm; index 1.7-1.9. Total width 2.5 mm. Height and width aperture 0.5-0.6 mm."