Plectostoma jucundum (Smith, 1893)
Offshore Islands at the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia.Northern Borneo.
Offshore Islands at the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia.Northern Borneo.
By Smith (1892)
"Testa umbilicata, conica, plus minus rufescens; anfractus 7, apicales laeves, rotundati, caeteri lamellis numerosis tenuibus obliquis in medio subproductis instructi, ultimus contortus, retrorsus, antice solutus; peristoma tenue, anguste reflexum. Alt. 2 1/2 millim., diam. maj. 3, min. 1 1/2. Apertura 1 lata.."
By Vermeulen (1994)
"spire conical with flat sides. Apex slightly oblique or not. Whorls 5 7/8 - 6 1/8, convex; last whorl rounded. Constriction with a parietalis, a longitudinal and a transverse palatalis, a columellaris which continues as a ridge-shaped transverse basalis. Tuba gradually narrowed towards the constriction, rounded below. Radial ribs on the spire moderately to widely spaced (3-5 ribs/0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl), sinuous with a shallowly concave projection half-way, abrading to a sinuous scar, those on the tuba widely spaced (2-3 ribs/0.5 mm half-way), below slightly sinuous and with a shallowly concave projection, abrading to a not or slightly sinuous scar. Spiral striation distinct, rather coarse. Umbilicus open, 0.30-0.35 mm across. Aperture hardly tilted with regard to the coiling axis, circular to elliptic. Peristome distant from the spire, double; outer peristome only slightly spreading beyond the inner, but gradually narrowed towards, and absent along the right side of the aperture, sometimes slightly widened along the upper side; inner peristome slightly protruding from the outer, spreading. Spire: height 2.0-2.3 mm; width 1.4-1.5 mm; index 1.4-1.5. Total width 2.5-2.8 mm. Height aperture 0.5-0.6 mm; width 0.6 mm."