Opisthostoma lechria Vermeulen, 1991
By Vermeulen (1991)
"shell white, approximately opaque. Whorls 3 1/4 (tuba not included); top whorls moderately oblique, moderately elevated; body whorls forming an obliquely cylindrical body, convex, well rounded, with the suture well impressed. Constriction rather distinct, gradual. tuba consisting of approximately 1/2 whorl, touching the body whorls over its entire length, only the last 1/4 whorl sinistral, approximately circular in section. Shell with rather thin radial ribs, which are densely placed near top, densely placed and rather low on the upper body whorl (approximately 50 ribs present; ribs particular close towards the top, approximately similar and densely placed on the lower body whorl, almost absent over the area of the constriction, and densely placed and somewhat more prominent on the tuba. Ribs crossed by inconspicuous, fine spiral striation. umbilicus open, deep, very narrow. Aperture with the imaginary plane through the inner peristome tilted approximately 70 degrees with regard to the coiling axis of the body whorls; with the upper margin not protruding beyond the plane perpendicular to the coiling axis of the body whorls as well as through the apex; widely ovate; apertural teeth absent; inner peristome thickened, somewhat reflected; outer peristome distinctly flaring on the palatal side. Constriction inside with two teeth: one distinct, slightly oblique, short, rather high infracolumellaris, one rather inconspicuous, transverse, long, low palatalis. Measurements.-Height of body whorls 0.9mm; width including tuba 1.2 mm; without tuba 0.8mm; height of aperture 0.5 mm; width of aperture 0.5 mm."