Opisthostoma brachyacrum lambii (Vermeulen, 1991)
The shell usually covered with dirt, maybe act as the comourflage strategy.
Living on the leaf litters near to the limestone cliff, usually together with Diplommatina maduana maduana.
The shell usually covered with dirt, maybe act as the comourflage strategy.
Living on the leaf litters near to the limestone cliff, usually together with Diplommatina maduana maduana.
Batu Punggul, Sapulut, Sabah, Malaysia; Kpg. Benuk, Padawan, Sarawak, Malaysia; Fairy Caves, 8km from Bau; Kpg. Beratok, Siburan, Serian-Kuching road, Sarawak. Widely distributed in east Sarawak and Sabah.
Description by Vermeulen (1994)
"shell white, slightly translucent. Whorls 3 1/4- 31/2 (tuba not included); top whorls moderately to distinctly oblique, moderately elevated; body whorls forming an usually slightly obliquely cylindrical body, convex, well rounded, with the suture well impressed. Constriction rather distinct, gradual. tuba consisting of approximately 1/2 whorl, touching the body whorls over its entire length, approximately circular in section. Shell with narrow, distinct radial ribs, which are very densely placed near the top, rather densely placed and ratehr low on the upper body whorl (44-75 ribs present on this whorl), approximately similar but slightly wider spaced on the lower body whorl and over the area of the constriction, and moderately spaced and slightly more prominent on the tuba. Ribs crossed by fine spiral striation. umbilicus open, deep, narrow. aperture with the imaginary plane through the inner peristome tilted up to 30 degrees with regard to the coiling axis of the body whorls, with the upper margin not protruding beyond the plane perpendicular to the coiling axis of the body whorls as well as through the apex; widely ovate to circular; apertural teeth absent; inner peristome moderately thickened, moderately reflected; outer perisotme hardly to moderately flaring on the palatal side. Constriction inside with two to four teeth: one longitudinal , short, lamella-like angularis which does not project into the tuba; one parietalis of similar position, shape and size (one or both missing in some specimens,see below); one distinct, oblique, rather high infracolumellaris; one distinct transverse palatalis. Measurements.-Height of body whorls 0.7-1.0 mm; width including tuba 0.9-1.3 mm, without tuba 0.6-1.1 mm; height of aperture 0.4-0.5 mm; width of aperture 0.4-0.5 mm."