Opisthostoma uranoscopia van Benthem Jutting, 1932
Benthem-Jutting (1932) original descriptions on Opisthostoma (Opisthostoma) uranoscopia – “Shell dextral, obliquely cylindrical, with the last whorl ascending towards the aperture, the mouth consequently being turned upwards. Uniformly white or pale pink, opaque. Apical whorl smooth, the others ornamented with oblique costulations which become more projecting and more distant as growth proceeds. Whorls 4, convex, the apical and second ones very small and depressed, hardly projecting from aside view of the shell; third and fourth forming a short oblique cylinder. Last whorl slightly constricted at the commencement of the deviation in coiling. Suture deep. Aperture trumpetshaped, subangularly circular, turned upwards, lying in a nearly horizontal plane. Peristoma continuous, double, the final rim broad and a little dilated, especially towards the side of the shell; here it covers the penultimate whorl, reaching to the suture which separates the second from the third whorl. Umbilicus oval, not concealed by the last whorl. Operculum horny, tranclucent, indistinctly paucispiral, with a nearly central nucleus. Animal minute and generally extruding very little from the shell. The latter is borne in the reversed position with the top downward. Colour of the whole animal white, translucent. Tentacles two, hyaline, slender, bearing at their outside base the sessile eyes, appearing as black sprecks. When the snail is crawling narrow foot does not project beyond the shell behind.”
“From two specimens I made microscopical preparations of the radula. It consists of about 46 transverse rows, bearing 7 teeth in every row (2. 1. 1. 1. 2). The rhachis bears 5 cusps on the cutting edge and a median cusplike prominence near the base. Laterals provided with 5 cusps, the fourth one outward being strongest. Inner marginals bear 3 cusps or 4 if one counts a weak knob also as such. Outer marginals sickle-shaped. At their free edge I could detect only 2 cusps, but the whole thing is so extremely minute that some details might have escaped my noticed.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1932)
Opisthostoma (Opisthostoma) uranoscopia – “Dimensions: Diam. maj. 1.2 mm. Min. 0.7 mm. Alt. 0.8 mm. Diam apert. 0.5 mm. Operculum, diam. 0.27 mm.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1932)
Type locality – “Goenoeng Tjibodas (Estate of Tjampea) near Buitenzorg, Java 300 m. alt.” leg. T. Benthem-Jutting/1930-31 (Benthem-Jutting, 1932)