
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Rvan Natuur Leiden., Horst, R., Schepman, M. M.1908Catalogue systématique des mollusques (gastropodes prosobranches et polyplacophores). Tome XIII /
I. )Government Madras1867Catalogue of the mollusca, in the collection of the Government Central Museum, Madras.
O. P. Moellendorff1891On the Land and Freshwater Shells of Perak.
J. de Morgan1885Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du Royaume de Pérak et des pais voisins (presque’Ile Malaise)
O. F. von. Möllendorff1893Materialien zur Fauna der Philippinen.
G. Nevill1878part I Gastropoda : Pulmonata and Prosobranchia-Neurobranchia
F. Paetel1873Catalog der Conchylien-Sammlung :
S. Panha1996A new species of Opisthostoma from Thailand (Prosobranchia: Cyclophoroidea: Diplommatinidae).
L. Pfeiffer1876Monographia Pneumonopomorum viventium, accedente fossilium enumeratione. Supplementum tertium. Monographiae Auriculaceorum. Parte secunda auctum
L. Pfeiffer1868Monographia heliceorum viventium, sistens descriptiones systematicas et criticas omnium hujus familiae generum et specierum hodie cognitarum
L. Pfeiffer1867Revision der Familien und Gattungen der Pneumonopomen
L. Pfeiffer1865Monographia Pneumonopomorum viventium. Sistens descriptiones systematicas et criticas omnium hujus ordines generum et specierum hodie cognitarum, accedente fossilium enumeratione
F. Pätel1869Molluscorum systema et catalogus. . System und aufzählung sämmtlicher conchylien der sammlung von Fr. Paetel.
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O. Semper1865Description dun genre nouveau et de plusieurs especes inedites provenant de la Nouvelle-Caledonie
R. Shelford1902Report on the Sarawak museum 1901-1902
R. Shelford1901Report on the Sarawak museum
E. A. Smith1905Description of a new species of Opisthostoma from North Borneo
E. A. Smith1905Description of a new species of Opisthostoma from North Borneo
E. A. Smith1905Descriptions of three new species of Opisthostoma from Sarawak, North Borneo
E. A. Smith1904Descriptions of a new species of Opisthostoma from Borneo
E. A. Smith1895On a collection of land-shells from Sarawak, British North Borneo, Palawan, and other neighbouring islands
E. A. Smith1894A list of the Bornean species of the genus Opisthostoma and descriptions of four new species
E. A. Smith1894On the Opisthostoma from Borneo
E. A. Smith1893Descriptions of new species of land-shells from Borneo
E. A. Smith1893Note on the Genera Geothauma and Gyrostropha
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A. Solem1964A collection of Non-marine mollusks from Sabah, Malaysia
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G. B. Sowerby1896Description of a new species of Opisthostoma
R. Standen1905Reversed shells in the Manchester Museum
E. R. Sykes1903On the land operculate Mollusca collected during the "Skeat Expedition" to the Malay Peninsula in 1899-1900
E. R. Sykes1902Descriptions of six new land shells from the Malay Peninsula
E. R. Sykes1902On a collection of land and fresh water shells from Kelantan, Malay Peninsula
R. Tate, Woodward S. Peckworth1868Appendix to the Manual of Mollusca of S.P. Woodward, A.L.S. :
W. Theobald1863Notes on the distribution of Indian terrestrial Gasteropoda considered with reference to its leaning on the origin of species
F. G. Thompson1978Two new land snails of the Genus Opisthostoma from Borneo (Prosobranchia: Cyclophoracea: Diplommatinidae)
J. Rle B. Tomlin1948New Malay land-shells
J. Rle B. Tomlin1938New Malay land shells
C. M. Troschel1868Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Mollusken während des Jahres 1867
G. W. Tryon1883Structural and systematic conchology: an introduction to the study of the Mollusca...
M. W. F. Tweedie1947The Mollusca of the Malayan limestone hills
W. S. S. van Benthem-Jutting1962Coquilles Terrestres Nouvelles de Quelques Collines Calcaires du Cambodge et du Sud Vietnam
W. S. S. van Benthem-Jutting1961Additional new species and new localities of the family Vertiginidae and the genera Oophana and Opisthostoma from Malaya
W. S. S. van Benthem-Jutting1960Non-marine Mollusca of the limestone hills in Malaya


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith